Thursday, October 1, 2020

Abbey- 10/1

 “Secondly, technical reproduction can put the copy of the original into situations which would be out of reach for the original itself.” (Durham & Kellner 39)

    During our class discussion, this quote that we talked about really stood out to me. I was born in 2001, so as I have grown, I have been able to see how the media has evolved. As I grew up, I always had access to different forms of media and could experience how fast and far information can travel via media platforms. Through this experience, I have been able to see technical reproductions of art in multiple forms that I would have otherwise not seen if not for the technological advancements in the media. A current example of the media providing us a “copy of the original” that comes to mind is the 2020 presidential race. The presidential debates are being live streamed by multiple providers via video. This allows for the United States’ people to see a “copy” of the actual debates if they can not be there in person. The people that can not be there to witness the debates in person are able to view the debates from their homes with the help of technical reproduction. This is important because years ago when media usage was limited the majority of the United States would rely on secondary sources for their information about potential United States’ Presidents, meaning they would not get the opportunity to hear a candidate actually speak about what they stood for. Film is the media is a great form of communication and can bring experiences to people that they would have otherwise never gotten the opportunity to witness. While, the people watching the “copy” of the debate from their home might have a different experience from the people watching it in person, both parties are getting essentially the same information. Videography in the media provides us with world wide communication and access to pieces of art, events, speeches, etc. that we would have never been able to see without the newfound technology. I am interested if any of you have any personal experiences of being able to view “a copy of [an] original” that you otherwise would not have been able to without the current media technical reproduction?

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